The #1 AI Compliance Platform

We help companies assess third-party risk and manage AI compliance

Trusted by leading AI companies
Solve Intelligence
Trust Center

Faster sales cycle with AI trust center

A single place to store and share all your security & compliance documents. Proactively share your AI security posture with buyers and reduce your sales cycle. Enable your champion to remove security blockers all on their own. Convert security and compliance into a strength instead of a roadblock.

Illustration for Trust Center
Gap assessment

Identify security & compliance gaps

Get a comprehensive view of your security and compliance posture. Identify gaps and take action to close them. Get a detailed report of your security posture and compliance gaps. Get compliant with the latest GenAI standards such as ISO 42001 and NIST AI RMF.

Illustration for Gap assessment
AI Audits

Get compliant with the latest GenAI standards

Automate compliance with the latest GenAI standards such ISO 42001 and NIST AI RMF. Continuously monitor your security posture with our third party integrations. Get compliant today.

Illustration for AI Audits
What people are saying

Trusted by security focused companies

Wolfia increased the speed of passing security review by 5x. AI compliance has been key for a number of our deals, and Wolfia has helped us turn compliance processes into a strength. Highly recommend the platform for anyone selling AI software to enterprises.
David Paffenholz
CEO & Co-founder · PeopleGPT
Portrait of David Paffenholz
I hate filling out security questionnaires. As a GenAI company, I needed a tool to share my company's security and risk posture with larger customers. Wolfia helped me do that 10x faster!
Deepak Singla
Co-founder · Fini
Portrait of Deepak Singla

Eliminate security & compliance blockers to close deals 10x faster

Let the AI security experts handle your security questionnaires and accelerate sales cycles.

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